God's Compassion, Impossible Situations, Missional Living, New Book Releases, AI, and Mercy
In This Issue... Jeremiah 23:24 and quotes from Dane Ortland and Toby Shockey, Missional Living, New Releases from Crossway, Is Your Church AI Ready, and a Song from The Rock Music
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God's Compassion, Impossible Situations, Missional Living, New Book Releases, AI, and Mercy
Welcome to this issue of one24worship - Because worship is a daily lifestyle, not just a weekly event.
Here is one verse, two quotes, and four observations to consider this week…
One Verse
“Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him? declares the LORD. Do I not fill heaven and earth? declares the LORD.” Jeremiah 23:24 ESV
Two Quotes
Dane Ortland
“God’s heart of compassion confounds our intuitive predilections about how he loves to respond to his people if they would but dump in his lap the ruin and wreckage of their lives. He isn’t like you. Even the most intense of human love is but the faintest echo of heaven’s cascading abundance. His heartfelt thoughts for you outstrip what you can conceive.”
[Source: Dane Ortland, Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers (Dane Ortland, Published by Crossway, 2020), pg 160]
Toby Shockey
“Don’t be afraid of a situation that seems impossible. God is not limited to what makes sense to our analysis. God may be doing things the way He is so that no confusion remains as to who should receive the glory.”
[Source: Toby Shockey, Ancient Paths: Light and Life from the Scriptures Jesus Read, (Toby Shockey, Riverstone Group Publishing, 2020), pg 88]
Four Observations
“Missional living should be conscious of possessing a powerful message and it shouldn’t be ashamed of it. Paul addressed the powerful Roman culture of his day by emphatically stating: ‘For I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes’ (Rom. 1:16). If ‘God so loved the world,’ and we have personally tasted this love, then neither should we be ashamed of such a wonderful message.”
August 2023 New Releases (From Crossway)
“Below is a list of the new and notable resources releasing this month from Crossway. Titles include Impossible Christianity by Kevin DeYoung and Help for the Hungry Soul by Kristen Wetherell.”
“Regardless of whether we like or dislike a new technology, history shows us that cultural change accompanies every major technological shift. And it’s happening again with artificial intelligence (AI).”
SONG from The Rock Music - Mercy (Live Acoustic Performance) — The Rock Music, Steele Croswhite, Kim Croswhite, Caleb Yetton
"Your light shatters the darkness / Your love reaches for me / Tender mercies that bind up the broken / The Savior that sin never saw coming."
Sam Hart | Steele Croswhite © 2023 Dusty 3 Music; Remaining portion is unaffiliated
Until next week,
David Guion
““We have an eternal inheritance that we didn’t have to pay for.” Butch Ikels