An Unashamed Worker, Nothing Is Wasted With God, No Time To Argue, The King and His Worshipers, Worship In Spirit and Truth, What You Read, and "You Said I Am (Behold and Believe)"
In This Issue... 2 Timothy 2:15, Two Quotes by Walker Moore, Article by Caleb Gorton, Blog Post by Mark Cole, Article by Randy Alcorn, and Song by Shane & Shane
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Welcome to this issue of one24worship - Because worship is a daily lifestyle, one 24-hour day at a time, not just a weekly event.
The one24worship Newsletter is a weekly offering of inspiration, ideas, and insights... 1-2-4: one verse, two quotes, and four observations at a time.
One year ago yesterday, June 26, 2023, my dear friend and missionary, Walker Moore passed away unexpectedly at his home, just after he and his family returned from a family vacation.
In that very moment, he stepped out of time and into eternity, undoubtedly receiving a “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
My heart continues to grieve for his wife, Cathy, and the entire Moore family.
So, today, the one24worship Two Quotes come from two of Walker’s books that were compiled from his weekly column in Oklahoma. Like Walker himself, his writings contain a “unique blend of humor and hope from God's word…”
Walker’s son, Caleb, himself a pastor, continues the work his father began. Please visit Back40 Ministries to learn more.
One Verse
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV
Two Quotes
Walker Moore (1951-2023)
“But in my years of following Jesus, I have learned something about God. Nothing is wasted with Him.” Walker Moore (1951-2023)
[Source: Walker Moore, Inside Out and Backwards: Stories of Humor & Hope For Life’s Journey, (Walker Moore, Published by Dustjacket, ©2018), pg. 164]
“When we are busy studying His Word, praying for the lost, and meeting the needs of the hurting in our church and community, we don’t really have much time to argue over things like hymnals.” Walker Moore (1951-2023)
[Source: Walker Moore, Chicken Lips, Snake Legs, and Jesus: Stories of Humor & Hope For Life’s Journey, (Walker Moore, Published by Dustjacket, ©2018), pg. 106]
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Four Observations
The King and His Worshipers: The kingship of God demands that all on earth worship him—and motivates us for missions - Article by Caleb Gorton at ABWE .org
Excerpt: “As for when David will praise God, his worship will be ‘forever and ever’ and ‘every day.’ Taken together, these phrases provide a robust understanding of worship —both its longevity (‘forever and ever’) and frequency (‘every day’). In other words, the whole of David’s life is worship. It is not relegated to a certain day of the week or a certain period of time, but it is his continual habit for as long as he draws breath.” 👉 Read More…
Worship in Spirit and Truth - Blog Post by Mark Cole at Worship Leaders University (MarkCole .ca)
Excerpt: “Jesus’ statement in John 4:24 challenges us to examine the heart of our worship. Are we merely going through the motions, or are we truly engaging with God on a spiritual level? Are we worshiping out of habit or cultural expectation, or are we driven by a deep-seated love and reverence for our Creator? True worship is not confined to a specific place or time; it is a continuous, all-encompassing lifestyle that honors God in every aspect of our being.” 👉 Read More…
What You Read Builds Who You Are - Article by Randy Alcorn at Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM .org)
Excerpt: “Bad books are poor companions; good books are great friends. The fact is, we will inevitably adopt the morality of the books we read (as well as the magazines, music, Internet sites, and conversations we consume). GIGO—garbage in, garbage out; or godliness in, godliness out.” 👉 Read More…
SONG "You Said I Am (Behold and Believe)" by Shane & Shane - YouTube Video: You Said I Am (Behold and Believe) // Shane & Shane // Acoustic Performance
“Before creation's spark / Before light from the dark / Before the waters part You are… / You are the great I Am / Before You breathed on the dust / Before Abraham was / Before the burning bush You are… / You are the great I Am!”
Written by: Shane Barnard, Shane Everett, Adam Westlake, Bryan Fowler, Michael Olson
© 2024 Songs From Wellhouse; Remaining portion is unaffiliated
Until next week,
David Guion
Sermon Notes Sunday (240623) on Instagram
“Our supreme satisfaction comes when we are in the will of God, doing the work of God and trusting and resting in Him. We need to find our satisfaction at His feet.” Brother Butch Ikels
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